Why Natural Green Grass Patch Is Perfect For You
Instantly have a beautifully green yard and add curb appeal all year long without wasting water, time, effort, or over seeding. Natural Green Grass Patch is the perfect solution to maintaining that professional, well groomed year-round appearance of lawns at your home. If you want your home to be the envy of the neighborhood, then this is the perfect solution. With the Grass Patch, you will have a green lawn in minutes, not weeks or months. Using our green colorant is less expensive than the overall costs of over-seeding. It is environmentally safe. It lasts up to four months and will protect the lawn from winter temperatures, and best of all, no mowing during the winter! There is no spring transition period and it prepares the grass to “green up” on its own faster in the Spring. Did you know? 1) Using the Grass Patch, you can cut your watering down 30% to 50% 2) Nationwide average water per person in gallons per day is 80 to 100 gallons. 3) Toilets that have a constant leak can use somewhere around 20 gallons per day. 4) BETWEEN 60% TO 70% OF ALL SUMERTIME WATER USAGE IS FOR OUTDOOR LANDSCAPING.

The Grass Patch is the instant cure for unsightly brown and yellow spots and discoloration that exists within nearly every pet owner’s lawn. No matter how discolored or how long it has been, The Grass Patch is a guaranteed fix. This specially-formulated solution is safe and non-toxic. Tired of having brown spots? This is the solution to never seeing them again. If you have brown spots caused from dog urine, this is caused by nitrogen in the urine. The direct application on the brown spot area was too strong, so it burned. Further from that center area, the roots picked up a quantity of nitrogen that stimulated growth and greening, but wasn’t strong enough to cause a problem. Will those brown spots in the grass from dog urine eventually turn green again? Usually not. By the time you notice the brown, the damage has probably been done. The Grass Patch has been independently tested and we found that the Grass Patch leaves a thin coat of colored pigments and kind of like a green house effect; it keeps moisture in and allows more heat for growth/organically promoting new growth. If you see the grass turning brown, just as it starts, spray the Grass Patch on it. You may prevent that grass from dying. Through independent testing dogs naturally will not return to the same spot, if their urine smell has left. By the spraying the Grass Patch on your brown spots, you will have a nice green lawn, all the time.

Realtors are always looking for an edge to make their property stand out and add curb appeal so their clients can sell their house. Our line of the Grass Patch brings the color of your current grass back to life and will retain that fresh new look for up to four months. The landscape green colorant adds instant curb appeal to the houses grass. Our Grass Patch line is a great way for your listing to stand out in a community when all of the other houses have a brown dormant lawn. Our Grass colorant has been used on golf courses and athletic fields for several years as a healthy and cost effective alternative to winter over seeding. Water restrictions make keeping the landscape looking presentable very difficult and our line of green colorant is a healthy alternative. Our green colorant is environmentally friendly to people, pets, wildlife, and the grass itself. The Grass Patch has the solution to help increase curb appeal and get your listing sold faster. Did you know? Excellent landscaping added 4 to 5 percent to the value of a nice home. In addition, homes with poor landscaping in the same neighborhoods as those with excellent landscaping sold for 8 to 10 percent less.

Put yourself at the forefront of the landscaping industry by adding this innovative service to your business. The Grass Patch products allow you to offer your customers a perfectly green lawn year-round. Green up your business by offering this environmentally friendly water saving product; perfect for area’s in which water restrictions have been implemented. Free yourself and your customers from regular lawn maintenance while still achieving a perfect lawn; little to no watering, little to no mowing. Save your customers money by avoiding HOA fines, water restriction fines, and exorbitant water bills. Easily set yourself apart from the competition with the Grass Patch products

Golf courses are going away from over seeding tees, fairways, collars, approaches, and greens because of the challenges and risk involved in growing two types of turf grasses in one location. The difficulty of over seeding varies ever year depending on weather patterns and timing of application which effects consistency and is very difficult for the superintendents to explain and manage. We developed Grass Patch a green colorant as a healthy alternative. Our green colorant is inexpensive when compared to over seeding. It will last up to four months in the winter, which means no watering in the winter months. When you add up the cost to mow, fertilize, water, and apply fungicides to the winter overseed the cost savings are significant. The most important reason to use our green colorant is healthier Bermuda grass in the spring with no transition and better playing conditions throughout the winter months. Natural Green Grass Patch comes in various sizes, but may be ordered in any volume. For smaller jobs, choose from our 1 gallon ready-to-use, pint of concentrate, half gallon of concentrate, 32oz ready-to-use spray bottle, 3oz refill concentrate (refill for 32oz spray bottle), 1 gallon concentrate and 2.5 gallon concentrate. For larger jobs, choose from our 30 gallon or 50 gallon drums.

Few days require aesthetic perfection like that of a wedding day. With the popularity of outdoor weddings and receptions, the Grass Patch is the perfect tool to guarantee the grass is as flawless as you hope the day goes. Since the setting will be the backdrop for all of your wedding photos and video, ensure it is perfect with the Natural Green Grass Patch products.

Natural Green Grass Patch green coloring applications for sports fields will result in huge savings on utilities and labor costs. Consider the budget your organization spends on the following list (Limited mowing, 50% less watering, no reseeding, and no fertilizing). Once you use the Grass Patch for your sports fields or playing areas, these will all be reduced or eliminated from your budget. You will no longer have the headaches, worrying about brown grass. On Game Day, the field will look great for the fans, and it will be safe and playable for your athletes. You’ll always have a lush, green turf with a natural looking lawn.

Every business wants to look its best to its customers, to make their store or office an inviting place to be. Having a green lawn gives your business property a well maintained professional look that shows your customers you care. Cut maintenance costs and decrease water bills while appealing to customers and impressing tenants with year-round, lush, green curb appeal. The Grass Patch is the perfect solution to maintaining that professional, well groomed year-round appearance of lawns at your business. If you want your business to stand out and be recognized from the rest this is the perfect solution.

Get ahead of you competition. Want curb appeal? A green attractive lawn will draw interest from potential buyers/renters and quickly increase the possibility of switching the “For Sale” sign to a “Sold” sign or “For Rent” to “Rented”. Our grass colorant is the fastest way to improve curb appeal, is long lasting and quickly resolves the issue of water restrictions. Improved curb appeal = Greater increased interest in the property. In this real estate market, there is an increased inventory of foreclosed and vacant properties. A brown lawn and a Realtor “For Sale” or “For Rent” sign is a welcome mat to would-be vandals, luters and squatters that the property is vacant, whereas a green lawn changes that appearance improving the security of the property and the neighborhood. It is tough enough to sell/rent a property right now in such a competitive market without taking the chance of your listing being vandalized and, therefore, losing value and your ability to show the property. By recommending a service or any other improvement to your sellers, it shows you have an interest in your customers and increases the value of your relationship with them.

Production companies use the Grass Patch to create the perfect scene, whether it be a change in seasons or depicting that ideal upper middle class suburban neighborhood. Especially useful when filming on location, when the set is a natural surrounding that needs perfecting or a bit of transformation.

Whether you are a professional, amateur, or just enjoy taking photos, the Grass Patch will help you achieve that picture perfect scene. Creating a flawless background allows you to concentrate solely on the subject. Don’t let an unsightly spot in the grass become the focal point of an otherwise great photograph. Using Natural Green Grass Patch products allows you to more easily achieve that perfect picture.

Natural Green Grass Patch has you covered. We will custom produce our product in any color of your choice. This service is only available for high volume orders of 30 gallons or more.